Thursday, June 4, 2020

Analysis of the Events and Changes that occurred in Project - 1650 Words

Analysis of the Events and Changes that occurred in the Project (Essay Sample) Content: PROJECT PROCESSNameInstructorCourseDateAuthor NoteI take this chance to pass my gratitude to my Supervisor and Library assistance for their support and display of commitment in helping through this project. Your efforts and exemplary desire to see me through this work has undoubtedly paid off in a great way, this work is a success because of you. Thank you!AbstractThis paper expounds methodically and articulately the Analysis of events and changes that took place as the project took place. The paper touches on areas such as mitigation activities that were present during the SWOT Analysis process and a deeper focus on the Budget schedule changes that took place along with the Risk RegisterPROJECT PROCESS1. Analysis of the Events and Changes that occurred in the ProjectA series of activities and changes took place in the project since its beginning. These changes caused the occurrence of both positive and negative impacts to the internal and external environment. The se changes include the existence of some threats, the realization of an opportunity, exhaustion of the project's budget and the shortening of the risk management schedule. The life cycle of the project requires a successful planning, risk review, and proper risk management to maintain stability through immediate decision making from the management team. To conduct this, one should begin by performing an analysis of the impacts caused by these events and changes.One of the major events that took place is the occurrence of several threats. These risks include ecological unsustainability of the area and poor transportation access into and out of the project area. These threats had adverse impacts on the continuation of the project. The area where the project's life cycle took place lacks an adequate supply of water and other environmental resources. This norm is a significant challenge for the project, and the workers require adequate water supply for proper project undertaking. This i ssue influenced the project since the continuation and growth of the project was slower. Also, the area where the project occurs is remote hence; transportation is difficult for movements in and out of the area. The team operating on the project might not be able to get access to the area due to low transportation access. This norm has high risks on the business model used in this case. On the other hand, the project realized one of the opportunities assessed during the project planning.They recognized the prime opportunity for developed relationships with the communities before other large firms enters. Although its level of risk was high, it had a tremendous positive impact on the project's business model. In this case, the Environmental Quality International (EQI) developed several contracts with those in the communities to offer efficient and better practices. This aspect allowed them to be advantageous when it came to the increase in their marketing opportunities and be able to expand their business model. Remote areas including one incorporated in the project have small probabilities for an opportunity, but the expected opportunities have enormous impacts on the business models used.Another significant change in the project process that had severe effects on the business model used was the exhaustion of the project's risk budget. The depletion of the risk budget was mainly due to the presence of many risks associated with this project that required the undergo the risk control process (Duckert, 2013). Another cause was the occurrence of risks that required immediate action. A risk budget is an important tool in the planning and operation of any project (Duckert, 2013). It mainly affects the project, which is one of the reasons that the risk budget creation requires the immediate attention of the management and the risk project consultants. Lack of a risk budget in the continuation of a project is risky to the organization undertaking the project.The fina l event that has a high impact on the business model is the shortening of the risk management schedule. The shortening of the project schedule is a heavy task carried out by the project manager. The project manager shortens the project schedule when the duration of the project is minimal. The risk management program assesses the project schedule hence shortens when the length of the project minimizes. This aspect has adverse impacts on the business model used on the project. First, the reduced risk management schedule, reduces the occurrence of some risks associated with the project. On the other hand, the reduction of the project schedule makes it difficult for the workers to adapt after a follow-up with the early schedule.2. Determine if any Mitigation Activities are Required and Explain WhyMitigation actions are necessary for this kind of situation the project faces. The risk mitigation process involves planning, implementation, and progress monitoring (Duckert, 2013). The occ urrence of the two principal threats requires the attention of the management. The shortening of the risk management schedule also requires the intervention of the management team to provide solutions that might stabilize the process followed to hasten the project. The exhaustion of the project's risk budget is another factor that requires the involvement of a mitigation action to contain the situation. Mitigation actions, in general, are important in the development of options and actions that would help enhance opportunities and reduce the intensity of threats to reach the objectives.Mitigation measures in the threats that the project faced are simple to identify, plan and implement. The project suffered the lack of adequate resources due to the poor ecological unsustainability of the area. Lack of enough water in the area would require the construction of more boreholes and the economical use of water from the Adere Amellal Oasis. This norm is a significant step in creating more water for use on the project. The other threat the project faced is inadequate transportation in and out of the project area. The presence of private transportation is an essential idea for the people involved in the project to use to move from place to place. They should also consider renting houses near the project site.The exhaustion of a risk budget has severe impacts on the project since the funds are necessary when solving issues that involve risks, threats, and other challenges. The project manager should consider the acquisition of funds from external sources such as loan applications, grants, and investors and other sponsorship deals. This adjustment should help solve the issue of lack of sufficient funding to run the project. The shortening of the risk management schedule would require the addition of more personnel to cover up the extra work done per day. Another option is to subdivide the large tasks into smaller ones to lessen the labor to perform each task.3. Determ ine if Budget / Schedule Changes are Necessary and Explain WhyChanges are inevitable when undertaking any project. Project managers should always be ready to identify and implement the change control process. They should also prepare themselves to modify those changes of the budget. Changes can upset budgets, schedules and the division of resources. Changes that occur in a project may be due to either external or internal factors. The project manager's main job in the change control process is to evaluate the change and create a risk analysis and risk treatment plan. In this case, changes to the budget and the schedule are important to stabilize the project.After the occurrence of the above events, the project's manager requires making recent modifications to the project's budget. One of the main reasons is to implement the mitigation actions taken due to the lack of adequate resources such as water in the area. The other threat of lack of transportation also requires the attention of any funds that might not have huge implications for the budget. Both threats need a risk management plan that requires the allocation of resources to implement mitigation actions on them. Also, the shortening of the risk management schedule requires the allocation of more resources for the program to be active. For a successful continuation of the project, the project manager should consider making several changes in the budget allocation.Another change that would benefit the continuation of the project is the project's schedule. The project requires fast completion to reduce several risks that might occur when the project slows down. Risks such as larger firms implementing their plans in the area might threaten...

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