Friday, May 8, 2020

College Essay Claims About Solutions and Politics

College Essay Claims About Solutions and PoliticsI've recently read an essay that talked about how college essay claims about solutions and politics is really important. The essay complained that the requirements of the essay, primarily that it have to be either a thesis or a reflection on some topic of discussion, makes the standards of essay writing higher than ever. I decided to read it just to see if it was true. Does this make sense?Essays are no longer intended to be evaluated on their factual basis. A lot of the requirements for college essay writing is basically that it be either a thesis or a reflection on some topic of discussion. So why is that bad?The problems with this is that essays on any subject in general aren't exactly factual. They tend to be opinion pieces, often written by a professor to gauge if a student has the analytical skills to write on the specific topic. Since so many of the students writing these essays are actually from upper-classmen or from a student of a lower-classman's department, they don't seem to possess the analytical skills to write on a specific topic.The whole idea of these essays is to be based on their political stance on a certain issue. Even if they are claiming to be based on a particular topic or a problem, if they are arguing against some political statement of the political figure, they can't necessarily claim to be based on a factual or non-political standpoint. That's probably why these essays are graded lower than usual.Because of the fact that writing on huge political issues is too big a subject to discuss, professors have become specialized in teaching on specific topics. Some have become experts on the subject. While that can be very good, they are not completely free to write on whatever they want as long as they get it right.The reason why the requirements for college essay writing now makes it so that students have to base the thesis or the reflections on a political stance is because the current pol itical stance is socialist. And while the political stance isn't really a bad one, there are other things going on in the world that need to be addressed.When students come from a religious background, they tend to gravitate towards various political stances that they believe in. Those are the things that we see reflected in many different essays that you see posted all over the Internet. And of course, the professors have to make sure they reflect those political stances.You see, a professor would rather see an essay that makes a political stance then one that makes an economic or social argument. In the last few years, students have become less concerned with those facts and more concerned with what they can write about that fits their political viewpoint. When they realize that professors can reward them for it, they will write the best essay they possibly can and the grades will reflect that.

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